Ambrose's Pirate Map Adventure - FREE Pirate Activity for Map Skills

Ambrose's Pirate Map Adventure - FREE Pirate Activity for Map Skills

Ahoy, matey! It’s me, Ambrose the Cardinal, and I have some exciting news to share! While exploring my new home on Storylark Road, I stumbled upon a bunch of treasure maps. Blimey! I can hardly believe my eyes! This will be the perfect pirate activity just in time for Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast! We’ll need to gather our courage and put on our sea legs. I’m a bit of a landlubber, so I need a seadog like you to help me set sail and navigate the seas! I wonder what treasures lay buried on distant shores? We must be careful—I can already hear the laughter of scallywags echoing in my ears. Yo-ho-ho!

We need to get busy charting our course with those old maps. The thought of finding hidden booty makes my heart race! 

Ready to go on a treasure hunt? Learn more about this FREE pirate activity to help with map skills below!

Go on a Treasure Hunt with Ambrose

Ready to practice map skills with Ambrose in this fun pirate-themed pirate activity in celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day? Good news ... this printable is completely free! Download it here.

Learn more about cardinal directions with Ambrose's first adventure!

Looking for more ways to help your child master cardinal directions and practice map skills? Don't miss Ambrose's first unit ... Ambrose Finds His Way. This free map skills mini unit takes students on a story-based adventure while helping to address and mail Ambrose's party invitations.

Students will create their very own compass rose and learn how to label it using cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and intercardinal directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest). Then they'll use their skills by playing three map games. (And did we mention it's all FREE?!)

Download Ambrose Finds His Way today!

Take Geography to New Heights!

Our geography enrichment units are immersive downloads that guide your students through each state in the USA. Featuring engaging journal entries from Thaddeus, our traveling cat, as well as hands-on activities, reading and comprehension questions, and writing exercises, these units create an unforgettable learning adventure that brings geography to life.

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