California: Home to the Largest Tree on Earth, the General Sherman Tree

California: Home to the Largest Tree on Earth, the General Sherman Tree

You might have some big trees in your backyard or in your local park, but they probably can't compare with a majestic tree named the General Sherman Tree in California. The Sherman Tree is not just the largest living tree in the United States—it's the largest living tree on Earth! Now THAT is a massive tree!

Read on for some fascinating facts about the General Sherman Tree!

7 Facts about the General Sherman Tree in California

  1. General Sherman is a Giant Sequoia tree.

    Giant Sequoia trees are native to California and are the largest trees on earth in terms of circumference and volume. (Redwood trees, also native to California, are taller trees, but don't have as much volume as Giant Sequoia trees.) The botanical name of the Giant Sequoia is Sequoiadendron giganteum.

  2. General Sherman is the largest tree on Earth by volume.

    The tree is nearly 275 feet tall and has a circumference of over 100 feet. It's estimated to weigh millions of pounds.

  3. The General Sherman Tree drinks a lot!

    In the summer, the General Sherman Tree is estimated to use between 500 and 800 gallons of water every day. That's a lot of water!

  4. The tree is named for William Tecumseh Sherman.

    General Sherman was a general in the Union Army during the Civil War.

  5. The General Sherman Tree is located in Sequoia National Park.

    The park is in California and you can hike to visit General Sherman in the Giant Forest. It's a great place to snap a selfie!

  6. Firefighters worked to protect the General Sherman Tree in 2021.

    A wildfire was nearing the Giant Forest, so firefighters wrapped the base of the Sherman Tree's trunk with protective aluminum foil to prevent the flames from reaching the tree's bark.

  7. In May 2024, researchers climbed the General Sherman Tree for the very first time.

    They conducted an overall health inspection and also investigated to see if dangerous sequoia bark beetles were present. The results were good! The researchers determined that the Sherman Tree is a very healthy, strong tree, and that the bark beetles were not causing significant damage.

The General Sherman Tree in California is truly a national treasure and an amazing testament to the wonders of nature. Do you have a favorite tree? Share your thoughts below!

And don't forget to check out our geography enrichment unit, Hello, California!, and follow along as Thaddeus the tuxedo cat explores the vast and varying landscapes of California, including a visit to the General Sherman Tree!

Photo of the General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park by Zack Frank

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