Aloha, food lovers! It’s Thaddeus again, back for my second Caturday of my blog takeover during the best month of the year–September, which is National Cat Month!
I’m purring with excitement to share more about my recent adventures. As you might know, I had an amazing (and delicious) trip to Hawai’i as my first stop on my journey across the United States where I had the chance to indulge in some truly delectable dishes. Today I’d like to talk about some of the whisker-licking foods I dined on during my trip. Get ready to savor the flavors of the Aloha State with me!
Thaddeus's Six Favorite Foods in Hawai’i
This was tough to dig my claws into ... but here are my top six foods (in no pawticular order).

This iconic purple dish is a nutritious delight! Poi is made from taro root and its flavor changes over time. Fresh poi is subtly sweet and creamy. After fermenting, it sours and is then can be enjoyed with smoked meats or salted fish.
Did you know that Hawai’i is the only state in the United States that produces coffee? Its main variety is Kona coffee from the Big Island. Hawai’i’s volcanic soil and climate are the perfect growing conditions for coffee beans!
Fish Tacos
You know I couldn’t leave this one out! As you know, Hawai’i is made up of lots of different islands (137 to be exact!). And when you’re surrounded by that much sea … you can expect lots of fresh seafood! Hawaiian fish tacos are often topped with fruit such as pineapple, mango, or lime. Trust me … they are purrfect. Would you like to learn more about Hawaii? Our Hit the Road Geography curriculum offers a unique and engaging journey through all fifty states!
With plenty of humor and story-based learning, these units captivate kids and make lessons memorable. Each lesson is divided into bite-size chunks and is open-and-go, so there's no planning on your part. Take a peek at our U.S. geography collection now!

Huli Huli Chicken
Have you ever heard of a meal that tells you how to cook it right in the name? Huli is the Hawaiian word for turn... and that’s just how Huli Huli Chicken is made! This dish is marinated in a mix of pineapple juice and soy sauce, put on the grill, and then … you guessed it … turned several times until it’s perfectly caramelized. Yum!
How many times have I mentioned pineapple already? Pineapple and Hawai’i just go together! There is even a huge garden maze in the shape of a pineapple in Honolulu. If you followed my Hawai’i travels, you’ll remember the time my friend Crabby and I got lost in it. (Of course, I knew where I was going the whole time. Naturally!)
Poke Bowls
Now don’t get any ideas about poking me … I’m rather ticklish and I just straightened my scarf. Ahem. No, this dish is pronounced poh-kay and it’s a really yummy Hawaiian dish that combines rice with fish, chicken, or tofu and is loaded with toppings like avocado, mandarins, edamame, carrots, cucumber, mango, or cabbage.Hungry yet?
Just writing this post has me salivating–I better run and snag some of my tuna niblets before my tummy starts rumbling! If you’re feeling hungry too, then check out my Hit the Road Geography unit, Hello, Hawai’i! It includes a delicious game called Go Poi! that revolves around Hawai’i’s cuisine. I highly recommend it … but I might be a little biased.